haha... wel, at last i'm here...
welll, i did many things... happy n sad,...
some i like it... but some i dun really enjoy it/..
we start from chinese new year.. well, during the chinese new year,
i was at the college ... as u all know by now that i din when back for the celebration..
so wat i did was i when to work... at midvalley of coz...
haha, i tot it will be little ppl in the mall, since it was the first day of chinese new year, but u know wat happen?
there was to many ppl....
haha, even chinese... it is kinda weirde for chinese to comeout to shop at the first day of chinese new year...
well, continue, i when to stay at my aunty's house....
haha..... i remember once that i misplace my keys, i i got louise to come all over from wangsa maju to give me my spare keys... n the worse things is after that, when she reach my room, i found my keys..... =='
well, as for my class, it was ok...
i'm trying really hard to catch up with it... but i'm not sure my self can i do that..
all the ppl in my class are really good... when i mean really good... they are GOOD....
so now, haveing a really hard time to study.... T.T
haha... okok.... continue, as for valentine, i celebrate it with my room mate....
haha, we did a quite romentic n small party in the room... took some fotoes too...
haha, this year also din celebrate valentine...
haiz.... never mind la...... still ok la... at least... ^^
but the celebration in the uni that my roommate n i did is really funny... hmm... will post those pic i took soon.,,,,...
now, everyone is really busy with the PTH>.....
same goes for me... i got dance practice,
yoyo, n xiang shen...
hais...so tired...
well, please come n c my performence at 3 mar...
ok la... wish all the best to me o..