Wednesday, November 05, 2008

my days.. exam days...

well... exam days.... a day where everyone doesn't like exam days...

well, increadably, i'm still able to find a time to get my self on9 and find a time to write my blog.. OMG... it is not that i prepared, is just that i need rest after few days of reading non stop.. ><

u wanan know what happen when people stard reading??

this was take last sem... but i think overall.], i think is the same..

*actually it is the same.. it was worse in my house.. ^^

Sunday, November 02, 2008

exam exam

忙碌的日子。。我快要喘不过气来的。。书上堆满了灰尘。。 我准备好了吗??不知是时间过得快,还是我的动作慢。。 

好希望时间可以停留。。 考完式意味着我又要大一岁了。。我准备好了吗??我很清楚我的答案,但我还是不要去面对。。慧仪阿,醒醒点吧!!把我现在啊。,不要再偷懒了。。因为没时间了。。