Monday, May 26, 2008


after so many days of work....
at last i so tired n slept..
this few days busying cleaning the room.. n do alot of stuff without much sleep..
so yeah..
i was so tired...
n slept at four someting.....
as i was sleeping..
suddenly someone open the door...
to my shock..
huey luu is back,.,..
apa la in...
she told me she not coming back yesterday...
thn suddenly come back pula...
wat la she... give ppl xin zhang bing only...
so..... yeah...
i was shock from my dreams...
n here am i ending up posting todays happening to the computer... ^^

anyways.. i'm glade she came back.. coz there will be someone helping me clean the room... n i do not need to do it alone.. althongh i like doing things alone ... with my own paste.... ^^

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

my Room??

这几天,我家在装修。本来这是一件快乐的事,但,昨天,妈告诉我说我的房间也要变成shore room... 天啊,本来有一间房间的我,突然这几天就要流落街头了。。。 什么嘛。。。 我就问说我将睡在哪里。。 答案很简单。。。 “就和你姐姐睡咯。反正啊,你回来没多久就回去西马了。”
嗨。。。 现在我知道到,一旦出去读书了。。。 在家地所有东西就会被丢掉。。。。
虽然很想不般。。可是自己也知道不可能了。。。 过几天。。。我就要过流落街头的日子了。。。


算了吧。。。 慧仪。。。任命吧。。。
今年的二十一岁生日。。。得到的礼物和祝福。。 都非常怪。。。

来自大学朋友:茶叶蛋,和pizza (大家知道我喜欢吃。。。)

二十一岁的生日庆典。。。 好奇怪哦。。。。

在没什么的情况下。。。 过了。/。。。。


但不要紧。。。 哈哈。。

哈哈哈哈。。。。 我唯有接受了。。。


Sunday, May 18, 2008


Got a tag from Steph

The Rules
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

Random Fact 1:
waking me up is a really easy thing to do..
all u need to do is.. knock on my door n switch on the light..
o call out my name...
damn, that's y my mom n pa like to wake me up everytime there is something urgent that she wan me to do.. T.T

Random fact 2:
i'm the shortest gal in my house....
mayb is something to do with the pertumbuhan terbantut thing...
all my sisters n my mom is actually more that 16+ height...
but i'm only 158.. which is y i really look short in the house...

Random fact 3:
i love chocolate...., candy n sweet stuff...

Random fact 4:
i'm someone who likes to go traveling to many places..
i dun mind going alone... just that i really need a map.. that i can understand well.. coz i'm someone that is really blur with roads.. n tent to get lost easily...
can even get lost in kk penampang area..

Random fact 5:
more than 50% of my friends are guys....
coz i dun really look anything like a gal....
yeap...... can imagine it....
i mean fizicaly.. so mostly guys dun really c me as a gal....

Random fact 6:
it takes me half a year to gain 1 to 2 kg.... but it only takes me 2 week to loose it...
so to me loosing weight is easier that gaining weight...
so i'm really famous with the name "pi bao gu", o " bai ku jing"

Random fact 7:
i like blue.. but all my things are mostly in pink o green...
funny huh?

Random fact 8:
i dun like hot weather, but i like sunny day....

ok... the 8 ppl that i wan to tag is..
i have no idea..
so i think i can stop here la....

life back in kk

well, it is a while since i'm back at kk... during this time, there are many things happen in kk... so.. haha.. yap.. was not able to update for a while eventhough i have really good internet access here..

one of the reasin i wasn't able to keep updating is because my house is under renovation..
n since i came back, all the things i need to do is to carry the box to the shop near austrial park..
then is that some of ting yau friend n my friend came over sabah, so we need to bring them jln jlnj..
another thing is that yeah.. as u all know, all the dauthers in my house need to work,.....
so since i came back.. all that i did is work.. n really did not when out to do anything like shopping stuff..
just that yesterday i was able to c a movie n have yam cha with some of my friend that i like to hang around with...

so yeah.. talking bout the trip to bring my friends,.. well, i bring them to ranau, kundasang n pulau...
so of coz, here are some of the pictures that we took during that time...
here are they...